Hey, I don't know if you will still read or not. I think, in the movie, it definitely over simplified the situation. Technically speaking, he could have a shot to try grow the potato. But the chance is very low. Firstly, the main problem is loss of air pressure. The microorganism and even the potatos are killed not just the low temperature but the low air pressure. This can cause the cells being exploded or dried due to water evaporization caused by suddent loss of air pressure. Secondly, assume he kept some potatos in a secured place where it mainained the air pressure, and these potatos are not cleaned very well and they carries some soil microorganisms, then, Mark will need to find ways to re-culture these microorganisms. Unfortunately, he can't just use the microorganism from his fecal because the human gut microorganism is not suitable for plant growth. To re-culture the soil microorganism, it is triky and takes time, and Mark can evaluate if it worth it.
In sum, it really depends when the airlock blew off, mark kept some potats in a secured container that can hold its air pressure.