I completely missed this since I haven't been in twitter as much but I just got into reddit and when I joined The Martian subreddit I saw that in February Andy Weir had released an inbetween-quel of the novel on his blog!
The Martian: Lost Sols
What's on your mind?
I completely missed this since I haven't been in twitter as much but I just got into reddit and when I joined The Martian subreddit I saw that in February Andy Weir had released an inbetween-quel of the novel on his blog!
The Martian: Lost Sols
So I somehow missed that several years ago around 2015, James S. A. Corey authors of The Expanse books had made a few Andy Weir/The Martian references in their books and then Weir and Corey had jokingly agreed that the two books were set in the same universe.
A lot of people took this as canon until slightly more recently around 2018, Weir clarified they were all definitely joking.
Now I noticed a few The Expanse related things on various pages, I think it would make more sense to add The Expanse stuff to either it's own page about crossover references and possibilities rather than add information about the Expanse to pages where it would otherwise be relevant, for example the timeline page
Which has this reference at the bottom of the timeline: 2214: Solomon Epstein invents a revolutionary new Fusion Drive offering unparalleled performance.
Anyone have any thoughts on this? Best to just make a new page and get rid of any other mentions? Any other suggestions on the best way to include it?
It’s kinda dead
Could Mark have theoretically used the potato greens from the potato plants (after the airlock blew off (specifically Airlock 3) freezing and killing all the pants)
to make new viable dirt using his own waste (again) and also using a rotten potato or two? not to mention the greens (which in the movie he dumped outside the Hab)?
19 Votes in Poll
What does MAV mean? I think it stands for "Mars aphonesphere vehicle".
By next year Weir will have three published novels The Martian, Artemis and Project Hail Mary.
Artemis had its rights bought by Fox and is now owned by Disney and has Lord and Miller attached to direct. Project Hail Mary had its rights bought by MGM and has Ryan Gosling attached to star and produce.
The question is which book will get a movie first, the book currently stuck in Disney limbo or the book that's not even out yet so we don't even know if it's good or not?
Why hasn't anyone questioned the logic of sending a botanist to Mars for a 30 day ground mission which would not be enough time to grow anything, or sending a botanist with nothing to grow anyway? What was the botanist's purpose? The chemist and geologist could do any soil testing the botanist could have done. There really is no good reason for Watney to eve make the trip.
Watney reluctantly agrees returns to Mars as the leader of an attempt to colonize Mars. Two years earlier a robotic crew and a couple of 3D printers were sent to build a habitat for the human colonist. Now the habitat has been built and is waiting for its human occupants to show up. After an few bumps early on, everything is running smoothly and the colony is growing. Then without any warning all communication with Earth stops. A small group returns to Earth only only to find a planet devastated by climate change and war. Now the colony on Mars must find a way to rebuild a world they once called home.
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