The Martian Wikia

This is a page about Fantastic Martian fanfics and Where to Find Them.

Because of the fact that 'The Martian' is both a book and a movie it can be hard to find (although not really). Here are some tips on finding the best Martin fanfics because unfortunately there's no sequel (as of 2016, a person can dream).

  • The book and the movie are similar enough that you can read fanfiction based on the novel having only watched the movie and vice versa.
  • On AO3 you can list fanfiction under both the novel and the movie and under All Media Types and you can search all media types as well.
  • Some fan fiction is cross-posted across both AO3 and FF.N or other sites which means there are technically fewer martian fanfics than the official count.

Good fics you should check out:[]

AO3 (In no particular order):[]

  • Feel free to add:

FF.N (In no particular order):[]

Not surprisingly a lot of these fanfictions are cross posted on FF.N and AO3 which means there's actually less Martian fanfiction than if we just added up the numbers.


  • On the day of writing this there is a grand total on 1 fanfic on QuoteV (that I could find, admittedly I didn't look too hard) about an AU (alternate Universe) where Mark had a sister set to go on the ARES IV mission.


  • Feel free to add info here:


  • Feel free to add info here:

