The Martian Wikia
We are currently housing 123 articles and 388 files.

Welcome to The Martian Wiki home page (or should I say Hab page).

This wiki is dedicated to the book by Andy Weir and movie of the same name directed by Ridley Scott - The Martian.


ARES: Live ARES 3 (redirect) ASCII Acidalia Planitia
Airlock 1 Aksel Hennie Alex Vogel Andy Weir
Annie Montrose Arabia Terra Ares (redirect) Ares-6 Engineer
Ares 3 Mission Guide Ares I Ares III Ares IV
Ares Missions (redirect) Ares Program Ares Vallis Ares Valles Region
Background Characters Beth Johanssen Benedict Wong Brendan Hatch
#BringHimHome Bruce Ng CNN's Mark Watney Report CNSA (redirect)
Cast Cathy Warner Characters Chiwetel Ejiofor
Curiosity Rover China National Space Administration Chris Beck Chris Beck/Film
Data Dumps Diary Of An AssCan: A Mark Watney Short Story Donald Glover Dr Keller
Drew Goddard Dust Storm EMU EVA
Earth Eliza Vogel European Space Agency (ESA) Fan Fiction
Guo Ming Helena Vogel Hermes Spacecraft International Space Station
Iris (probe) Irene Shields ISRO JAXA
JPL Jeff Daniels Jessica Chastain Karen Rhodes
Kate Mara Kristen Wiig Lili Bordán The Martian: Lost Sols
Mackenzie Davis Marissa Martinez Mark Watney Mark Watney/Film
Mars Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV) Mars Descent Vehicle (MDV) Manned Maneuvering Unit
Matt Damon Maurice Stein Melissa Lewis Melissa Lewis/Film
Michael Peña Mike Watkins Mindy Park Missed Orbit Scenario
Mission Control Mitch Henderson Movie VS Book Mr Watney
Mrs Watney NASA NASA Johnson Space Center NASA Mission Control Center
The Martian (Classroom Edition) Neil DeGrasse Tyson Olympus Olympus Mons
Opportunity Original Ending Oxygenator PLSS
Pathfinder Phobos Potatoes Project Elrond
ROSCOSMOS RTG References Rich Purnell
Rich Purnell Maneuver Rick Martinez Rick Martinez/Film Ridley Scott
Robert Lewis Rover 1 Rover 2 Ryoko
SatCom Satcon Schiaparelli Crater Scientific Inaccuracies
Sean Bean Sebastian Stan Sojourner Solanum Watneyi
Space Center Houston
Space Agencies SpaceX Taiyang Shen Teddy Sanders
Teddy Sanders/Film The Hab The Martian/Film The Martian/Novel
Tiayang Shen Tim Grimes Victor Vogel Venkat Kapoor
Vincent Kapoor Water Reclaimation Processors Water Reclaimer Zhu Tao





The Martian - Official HD Trailer -1 - 2015

Trailer #1

The Martian - Official HD Trailer -2 - 2015

Trailer #2

The Martian- VR Experience - 360 Video

The Martian 360 (VR Experience)

Ares 3 The Right Stuff

Ares 3: The Right Stuff ~ ARES: Live

Our Greatest Adventure

Our Greatest Adventure ~ ARES: Live

Leave Your Mark

Leave Your Mark ~ ARES: Live

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